Yang, F., & Oshio, A. (2023).

Yang, F. (楊帆), & Oshio, A (小塩真司). (2023).
A secure mind is a clear mind: The relationship between attachment security, mindfulness, and self-concept clarity. 
安定した心は明確な心: 愛着安定性、マインドフルネスと自己概念の明確性との関連
Current Psychology. 

Attachment is associated with self-concept clarity. However, few studies have provided insights into its underlying mechanism. The way people treat their own experiences is vital in forming self-concept clarity. Mindfulness, a nonjudgmental way to notice moment-to-moment experiences, is a key feature of attachment security. Thus, we conducted two studies to explore the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship between attachment security and self-concept clarity. Study 1 involved a cross-sectional online survey of 234 participants. In Study 1, an indirect effect emerged between attachment anxiety and self-concept clarity through describing, nonjudging, and acting with awareness. In Study 2, we recruited 195 participants online and randomly assigned them to either the attachment security priming or attachment anxiety priming condition. Participants assigned to the attachment security priming (vs. attachment anxiety priming) condition scored higher on self-concept clarity, acting with awareness, and present-moment awareness. The Bayesian t-test yielded strong evidence for between-group (attachment security vs. anxiety priming conditions) differences in attachment anxiety, moderate evidence for self-concept clarity, and strong evidence for acting with awareness. The results of the Bayesian t-test also suggested there was no evidence for between-group differences in attachment avoidance, anecdotal evidence for present-moment attention, and no evidence for nonjudging. Moreover, acting with awareness mediated the link between priming conditions and self-concept clarity. These findings suggest that anxiously attached people may lack awareness of their own behaviors, leading to lower self-concept clarity.
