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Shimizu, Y., Komoto, S., Manome, Y., & Karasawa, K. (in press).

Shimizu, Y.,(清水佑輔) Komoto, S., Manome, Y.,(馬目蓉子) & Karasawa, K.(唐沢かおり) (in press).
Reducing benevolent sexism: Focusing on its harm against women and pervasiveness.
International Journal of Psychology.
https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.13251 (Early View)

Although gender equality is a global goal, significant disparity remains between men and women. Benevolent sexism (BS) is widespread and contributes to the maintenance of the gender gap. To reduce BS, many previous studies have implemented long-term intervention programmes. In contrast, we posit that it is necessary to reduce BS efficiently through simpler methods. This study aimed to reduce participants’ BS endorsement by presenting experimental vignettes regarding (a) the harm of BS against women and (b) the pervasiveness of BS. An online experiment was conducted with male and female Japanese participants (n = 816). The results showed that the main effect of presenting the harm of BS against women was significant only among female participants. However, neither the main effect of presenting the pervasiveness of BS nor the interaction between presenting harm and pervasiveness were found. We suggested strategies to reduce BS, especially when endorsed by men. Our experimental manipulation can be conducted in a short time and on many participants simultaneously. More empirical studies aimed at reducing BS should be conducted in the future.

Yamamoto, H., & Goto, A. (2024)

Yamamoto, H., (山本仁志)& Goto, A.(後藤晶) (2024). 
Behavioural strategies in simultaneous and alternating prisoner's dilemma games with/without voluntary participation.
Scientific Reports, 14(1), 21890.

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is one of the most classic formats for exploring the principle of direct reciprocity. Although numerous theoretical and experimental studies have been conducted, little attention has been paid to the divergence between theoretical predictions and actual human behaviour. In addition, there are two additional essential challenges of experimental research. First, most experimental approaches have focused on games in which two players decide their actions simultaneously, but little is known about alternating games. Another is that there are few experiments on voluntary participation. Here, we conducted experiments on simultaneous games, alternating games, and games with and without voluntary participation for a total of four game patterns and examined the deviation from theoretical predictions for each. The results showed that, contrary to theoretical predictions, humans chose cooperation even after being exploited. We also observed that, with or without voluntary participation, people tended to take the same action they had taken in the previous round. Our results indicate that to understand the mechanisms of human behaviour, we need to integrate findings from behavioural science, psychology, and game theory.

Homma, S., & Takezawa, M. (2024)

Homma, S.(本間祥吾), & Takezawa, M.(竹澤正哲)(2024). 
Risk preference as an outcome of evolutionarily adaptive learning mechanisms: An evolutionary simulation under diverse risky environments.
PloS one, 19(8), e0307991.

The optimization of cognitive and learning mechanisms can reveal complicated behavioral phenomena. In this study, we focused on reinforcement learning, which uses different learning rules for positive and negative reward prediction errors. We attempted to relate the evolved learning bias to the complex features of risk preference such as domain-specific behavior manifests and the relatively stable domain-general factor underlying behaviors. The simulations of the evolution of the two learning rates under diverse risky environments showed that the positive learning rate evolved on average to be higher than the negative one, when agents experienced both tasks where risk aversion was more rewarding and risk seeking was more rewarding. This evolution enabled agents to flexibly choose more reward behaviors depending on the task type. The evolved agents also demonstrated behavioral patterns described by the prospect theory. Our simulations captured two aspects of the evolution of risk preference: the domain-specific aspect, behavior acquired through learning in a specific context; and the implicit domain-general aspect, corresponding to the learning rates shaped through evolution to adaptively behave in a wide range of environments. These results imply that our framework of learning under the innate constraint may be useful in understanding the complicated behavioral phenomena.

Yang, F., Ren, M., & Oshio, A. (2024)

Yang, F. (楊帆), Ren, M. (任孟浩), & Oshio, A. (小塩真司) (2024). 
The effect of attachment style on mindfulness: findings from a weekly diary study using latent growth modeling.
Current Psychology.

The current study aimed to explore whether attachment style could predict the fluctuation of weekly mindfulness. A weekly diary design was adopted across one baseline week and five follow-up weeks. Data from 622 Chinese college students were subjected to latent growth modeling. Results showed attachment anxiety negatively predicted the intercept of acting with awareness, present moment attention, and nonjudging while positively predicting the slope of acting with awareness. Attachment avoidance negatively predicted the intercept of acting with awareness and present moment attention and positively predicted the slope of acting with awareness. These suggest that attachment style may impact the fluctuation of weekly mindfulness. Furthermore, both attachment avoidance and anxiety impact the rate of change of acting with awareness across five weeks. These support the idea that compared to securely attached people, insecurely attached people’s attention may fluctuate more according to their stress level, shifting between external tasks, other people, or themselves.

Matsuo, A., Miura, A., Kitamura, H., & Murayama, A. (2024)

Matsuo, A.(松尾朗子), Miura, A.(三浦麻子), Kitamura, H.(北村英哉), & Murayama, A.(村山綾) (2024). 
The ebb and flow of morality: The role of purity in the public perceptions of Fukushima's processed water release.
Japanese Psychological Research.

The Japanese government’s decision to discharge treated water into the ocean has drawn citizens’ attention, and the evaluation of this issue remains controversial. The themes underlying social issues are connected to the moral foundation of Haidt’s moral foundations theory. Accordingly, these foundations appeal to individuals’ subjective approval of their moral foundations. The treated water issue is related to the purity foundation; thus, the present study aimed to investigate the role of the purity foundation on the support for the treated water issue by collecting data from 1,291 Japanese participants immediately after the first discharge of treated water. To measure the purity-related concept, the Purity Orientation–Pollution Avoidance Scale (POPA) was employed. The results of our multiple regression analysis showed a negative association for the Mental Purity subscale and a positive association for the Respect for Religion subscale of POPA. The different aspects of Japanese purity highlighted by POPA are discussed. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved in people’s attitudes toward social issues.


Neff, K.D., & Miyagawa, Y. (2024)

Neff, K.D., & Miyagawa, Y.(宮川裕基) (2024). 
Self-Compassion Scale for Youth (SCS-Y).
In Medvedev, O.N., Krägeloh, C.U., Siegert, R.J., Singh, N.N. (eds) Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research. Springer

The Self-Compassion Scale for Youth (SCS-Y) is a measure of self-compassion for adolescents aged 10–15. Its structure is based on the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) for adults. Exploratory structural equation modeling suggests that the SCS-Y represents a bifactor structure identified by a general self-compassion factor and six specific factors: increased self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness, as well as reduced self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification. Across four studies, the SCS-Y exhibited high internal reliability. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, McDonald’s model-based composite reliability, and omega coefficients for the SCS-Y suggest that the use of a total score or six subscales’ scores is warranted. Construct validity of the SCS-Y was established by associations between the SCS-Y and functionally related constructs such as resilience and depression in the expected direction. Levels of self-compassion did not differ by age in the samples of 10–15-year-olds. While three studies did not find sex differences in the level of self-compassion, one study found that adolescent boys were higher in total self-compassion compared to adolescent girls. Overall, these results provide evidence for the psychometric validity of the SCS-Y.


Fang, Y., & Komiya, A. (2024)

Fang, Y.(方予辰), & Komiya, A.(小宮あすか) (2024). 
Effects of residential mobility on impression formation across different social contexts.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology.(Early View)

Research on residential mobility is burgeoning; however, only a few studies have examined this topic in the context of impression formation. In Study 1, we first examined the hypothesis that high residential mobility increases sensitivity to friendliness, whereas low residential mobility increases sensitivity to hostility. In the word completion task, no effects of residential mobility were observed; however, in the impression formation task, participants with high residential mobility perceived friendly new acquaintances with higher amicability than those with low residential mobility (Studies 1a and 1c). Meanwhile, no effect was observed with the hostile new acquaintances (Study 1b). The results suggest that the effects of residential mobility, with a focus on friendliness and hostility, may be highly context dependent. Study 2 partially confirmed this idea, showing that participants with low residential mobility perceived hostile old acquaintances as less friendly than those with high residential mobility, and there was no effect of residential mobility in the case of friendly old acquaintances (Study 3). The role of residential mobility on impression formation was discussed.

これまでの研究では,個人の引越し経験の多寡 (住居流動性) によって,人間関係のあり方が大きく変わることが論じられてきました。本研究では,他者との関係を新規他者と既存他者に分け,個人の引越し経験が他者の印象を形成する視点にどのような影響を与えるかを検討しました。この結果,
・印象形成を離れた文脈の課題(単語完成課題)では,引っ越し経験の有意な効果はありませんでした。 これらの結果を踏まえて,印象形成プロセスに対する住居流動性の影響と文脈の重要性について考察しました。

Mori, R., Hanaki, N., & Kameda, T. (2024)

Mori, R.(森隆太郎), Hanaki, N., & Kameda, T.(亀田達也) (2024). 
An outside individual option increases optimism and facilitates collaboration when groups form flexibly.
Nature Communications, 15(1), 5520.

Voluntary participation is a central yet understudied aspect of collaboration. Here, we model collaboration as people’s voluntary choices between joining an uncertain public goods provisioning in groups and pursuing a less profitable but certain individual option. First, we find that voluntariness in collaboration increases the likelihood of group success via two pathways, both contributing to form more optimistic groups: pessimistic defectors are filtered out from groups, and some individuals update their beliefs to become cooperative. Second, we reconcile these findings with existing literature that highlights the detrimental effects of an individual option. We argue that the impact of an outside individual option on collaboration depends on the “externality” of loners — the influence that those leaving the group still exert on group endeavors. Theoretically and experimentally, we show that if collaboration allows for flexible group formation, the negative externality of loners remains limited, and the presence of an individual option robustly aids collaborative success.


Ishii, T., & Watanabe, K. (2024)

Ishii, T.(石井辰典), & Watanabe, K. (2024).
Cultural transmission and religious belief: An extended replication of Gervais and Najle (2015) using data from the International Social Survey Programme.
宗教的信念の文化伝達:International Social Survey Programmeデータの二次分析によるGervais & Najle (2015) の拡張的追試
PLoS ONE, 19(6): e0305635.

Beliefs in supernatural agents or religious beliefs are pervasive, yet there are individual differences in such beliefs. Although various factors have been proposed as relevant, recent research has increasingly emphasized the importance of cultural learning, showing that enthusiastic religious behavior (credibility enhancing displays; CREDs) from parents predicts increased religious beliefs among their children. In addition to this kin-biased learning, Gervais and Najle (2015) analyzed data from the World Values Survey to demonstrate that the number of adults who show religious CREDs is also an important predictor of people’s beliefs, indicating that individuals develop their religious beliefs through conformist learning. This pre-registration study aimed to replicate and extend these findings by analyzing data from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), which is another large social survey. We examined the generalizability of the results by analyzing multigenerational samples. Multilevel regression and signal detection analyses revealed that the presence of both kin-biased and conformist learning cues was significantly associated with respondents’ religious beliefs. Moreover, they suggested tension between the two cultural learning cues, thereby suggesting that the effect of kin-biased learning on religious beliefs becomes stronger (weaker) when the cue for conformist learning is unclear (clear). These results support the idea that these two types of cultural learning are crucial to the development of religious beliefs.

Ioku, T., & Watamura, E. (2024)

Ioku, T. (井奥智大), & Watamura, E. (綿村英一郎) (2024).
An experimental study of the process of felt understanding in intergroup relations: Japanese and Chinese relations in Japan.
Scientific Reports, 14, 13096.

“Felt understanding” is a crucial determinant of positive interpersonal and intergroup relationships. However, the question of why felt understanding shapes intergroup relations has been neglected. In a pre-registered test of the process in intergroup relations with a sample from East Asia, we manipulated felt understanding (understood versus misunderstood by an outgroup) in an experimental study (N = 476). The results supported the expectation that felt understanding would lead to a more positive intergroup orientation and action intention. The results of parallel mediation analyses showed that felt understanding indirectly predicted intergroup outcomes through felt positive regard, intergroup overlap, and outgroup stereotypes. Furthermore, the results of post-hoc sequential mediation analyses indicated that felt understanding indirectly predicted intergroup outcomes sequentially through felt positive regard and intergroup overlap, followed by outgroup stereotypes.

・「相手が自分のことをわかってくれる」と思うと、人は相手とより関わろうとする傾向がある。その心理的な変化のプロセス、メカニズムを解明 ・その心の働きは、「相手に対する偏見が減る」ことによる部分が大きかった

プレスリリースによるわかりやすい内容説明: https://resou.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/research/2024/20240624_1