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Maeda, K. , Hashimoto, H. , Sato, K. (2021).

Maeda, K. (前田楓), Hashimoto, H. (橋本博文), Sato, K. (佐藤剛介) (2021). 
Creating a positive perception toward inclusive education with future-oriented thinking. 
BMC Research Notes, 14:467.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the ways that encouraged people to develop positive attitudes and perceptions toward inclusive education. The Japanese special needs education system for students with disabilities has been shifting from a segregated model to a more inclusive form which is the major challenge facing educational systems around the world. While support for inclusive practices has grown rapidly in Japan, their implementation requires more attention. Considering these situations, in the current study, we experimentally manipulated future-oriented thinking and examined whether positive perceptions about inclusive education was enhanced if people acknowledged and realized that an inclusive society may improve the long-term welfare of not only people with disabilities but also people without disabilities or functional limitations. Results: Our results partially confirmed that future-oriented thinking encouraged positive perceptions of inclusive education. It increased only when participants thought about the future employment of people with/without disabilities. No significant effects were found for the present orientation or control conditions.

Van Bavel, J.J., Cichocka, A., Capraro, V. et al. (2022).

Van Bavel, J.J., Cichocka, A., Capraro, V. et al. (2022).
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic. 
Nature Communicaions, 13, 517.

Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investigated self-reported factors associated with public health behaviours (e.g., spatial distancing and stricter hygiene) and endorsed public policy interventions (e.g., closing bars and restaurants) during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020). Respondents who reported identifying more strongly with their nation consistently reported greater engagement in public health behaviours and support for public health policies. Results were similar for representative and non-representative national samples. Study 2 (N = 42 countries) conceptually replicated the central finding using aggregate indices of national identity (obtained using the World Values Survey) and a measure of actual behaviour change during the pandemic (obtained from Google mobility reports). Higher levels of national identification prior to the pandemic predicted lower mobility during the early stage of the pandemic (r = −0.40). We discuss the potential implications of links between national identity, leadership, and public health for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics.

調査票日本語版の作成および日本データの収集を,堀内勇作・Charles Crabtree(ダートマス大学)・三浦麻子(大阪大学)・大坪庸介(東京大学)・山田祐樹(九州大学)が担当しました.

Shimizu, Y., Ishizuna, A., Osaki, S., Hashimoto, T., Tai, M., Tanibe, T., & Karasawa, K. (2022).

Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔), Ishizuna, A., Osaki, S., Hashimoto, T.(橋本剛明), Tai, M., Tanibe, T.(谷辺哲史), & Karasawa, K.(唐沢かおり) (2022).
The social acceptance of smart health services in Japan. 
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1298. 

In recent years, smart health (s-Health) services have gained momentum worldwide. The s-Health services obtain personal information and aim to provide efficient health and medical services based on these data. In Japan, active efforts to implement these services have increased, but there is a lack of social acceptance. This study examined social acceptance concerning various factors such as trust in the city government, perceived benefits, perceived necessity, perceived risk, and concern about interventions for individuals. An online survey was conducted, and Japanese participants (N = 720) were presented with a vignette depicting a typical s-Health service overview. The results of structural equation modeling showed that trust was positively related to perceived benefit and necessity and negatively related to perceived risk and concern about interventions for individuals. Perceived benefit and trust were positively related to social acceptance, and perceived risk was negatively related to acceptance. The model obtained in this study can help implement s-Health services in public. Empirical studies that contribute to improving public health by investigating the social acceptance of s-Health services should be conducted in the future.

Ogihara, Y. (2022).

Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2022). 
Common writings of baby names in Japan, 1989-2003: Explanation of survey data. 
日本における新生児の名前の一般的な表記, 1989-2003: 調査データの説明
Data in Brief, 40, 107678. 

Previous research on Japanese names has analyzed the surveys on baby names conducted by Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company. The company displayed the yearly top 10 common writings of baby names between 1989 and 2003. However, it was unclear how the surveys for those 15 years were conducted. The data are necessary to evaluate the usableness of the surveys and conduct empirical research. Therefore, I asked the company for further data about the surveys. The methods of the surveys were consistent not only between 1989 and 2003, but also consistent with those between 2004 and 2018. The analyses on the annual sample sizes by gender showed that the surveys between 1989 and 2003 are comparable to the surveys between 2004 and 2018. The company is unable to access the raw data of these surveys, which makes it impossible to provide results other than the top 10 most common writings.

Shimizu, Y. (2022).

Shimizu, Y. (清水佑輔) (2022). 
Multiple desirable methods in outlier detection of univariate data with R source codes. 
Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 819854. 

The existence of outliers has been a methodological obstacle in various literature. There are many cases when we should deal with outliers of univariate data. If inappropriate methods are used, it can lead to biased and wrong conclusions. The purpose of this opinion paper is reviewing more desirable methods for detecting outliers of univariate data (specifically, square root transformation, median absolute deviation, Grubbs’ test, and Ueda’s method), and presenting source code and sample data that allow us to conduct each detection method. These detection methods have desirable advantages over the conventional method and they are relatively easy to implement. In addition, the results of applying each outlier detection method to a real data set are shown. Presented methods in this article can be conducted using R, a free statistical software. By summarizing various outlier detection methods and providing analysis source codes, useful knowledge in psychological research can be provided.

Miyagawa, Y., Tóth-Király, I., Knox, M. C., Taniguchi, J., & Niiya, Y. (2022).

Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基), Tóth-Király, I., Knox, M. C., Taniguchi, J.(谷口淳一), & Niiya, Y. (新谷優). (2022). 
日本語版状態セルフ・コンパッション尺度 (SSCS-J) の開発
Development of the Japanese Version of the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS-J). 
Frontiers in Psychology, 12:779318. 

Research in the U.S. developed and validated the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS), which measures self-compassionate reactions toward a specific negative event. The current study is aimed at developing the Japanese version of the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS-J) and extending previous findings in the U.S. by showing measurement invariance across sexes and demonstrating the construct validity of this scale. Across two studies (n = 596 in Study 1, n = 474 in Study 2), the bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling representation of the SSCS-J showed excellent fit in which a single global factor (i.e., self-compassion) and most of the specific factors (six subscales) were well defined. Study 1 further provided evidence for the measurement invariance across sexes. The SSCS-J was related with higher trait self-compassion and lower fear of and negative beliefs about self-compassion. In Study 2, participants who were instructed to be self-compassionate reported higher scores in the SSCS-J relative to those in the control condition. These results attest to the replicability of the factor structure of the SSCS in Japan and provide further evidence for the construct validity of this scale.

Neff et al. (2021, Mindfulness) による状態セルフ・コンパッション尺度 (State Self-Compassion Scale) の日本語版です。Studies 1 and 2で、日本語版状態セルフ・コンパッション尺度 (SSCS-J) の因子構造を確認し、他の変数との関連から妥当性を検討しました。Study 2ではNeff et al. (2021) で用いられた状態的にセルフ・コンパッションを高める実験操作 (Self-compassionate mindstate induction) を用いて、セルフコンパッション群では統制群に比べて、状態セルフ・コンパッションが高いことを示しました。SSCS-Jの項目や日本語版Self-compassionate mindstate inductionの教示は論文の電子付録に掲載しております。

Ogihara, Y. (2021).

Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2021). 
Social security number holders in the United States, 1909-2019. 
Frontiers in Big Data, 4:802256. 

Currently, a social security number (SSN) is held by almost every legal resident of the United States and works as an important numbering system. However, this was not the case in the early years of the Social Security program and historical changes in SSN holder rates had not been examined sufficiently. It is important to understand the changes in health policies and situations. Thus, the present article examined historical changes in the rates of SSN holders in the United States between 1909 and 2019. Analyses demonstrated that the rates clearly increased. Specifically, in Phase 1 (1909-1919), the rates were low in the early period, but they increased markedly. In Phase 2 (1919-1952), the rates continued to increase gradually. In Phase 3 (1952-2019), the rates were almost 100% and reached saturation. This basic information leads to a better understanding of the health policies and situations, contributing to medical and social science research.

Hiraoka, D., Nomura, M., & Kato, M. (2021).

Hiraoka, D.(平岡大樹), Nomura, M., & Kato, M. (2021). 
Longitudinal Study of Maternal Beliefs About Infant Crying During the Postpartum Period: Interplay With Infant’s Temperament. 
Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 6041. 

Infant crying is an important signal for their survival and development, and maternal beliefs about crying predict responsiveness to crying. Most studies have considered caregivers’ reactions to crying to be fixed, and it is unclear how they change with their caregiving experience. Additionally, it has recently been suggested that there is a bidirectional relationship between changes in mothers’ beliefs about crying and infants’ temperament. This study examined that relationship using a longitudinal study design. Maternal beliefs about crying and infant temperament of 339 Asian first-time mothers (mean age = 28.7 years, SD = 4.1) were measured at 1-month intervals over 4 months. There were 289 participants in Wave 2, 240 in Wave 3, and 164 in Wave 4. Prior to the main survey, we conducted a pre-survey to confirm the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Infant Crying Questionnaire. The results showed that parent-oriented beliefs, which focus on the caregiver rather than the crying infant, increased in mothers who had infants aged 3 months or older at Wave 1. We also found that the process of change in maternal beliefs was not uniform, and that infants high on surgency predicted changes in maternal beliefs about infant crying. Longitudinal studies of caregivers’ changes, such as the present study, are expected to contribute to understanding the co-development of caregivers and infants.

Hashimoto, H., & Maeda, K. (2021)

Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), & Maeda, K.(前田楓) (2021). 
Collegial organizational climate alleviates Japanese schoolteachers’ risk for burnout. 
Frontiers in Psychology, 12:737125.

The purpose of the current study was to examine the influence of individuals’ help-seeking preference (HSP) and their collective perception of the organizational climate in school on teachers’ mental health. Previous studies demonstrated that HSP was negatively associated with risk of burnout, suggesting that teachers who hesitate to seek help from their colleagues are more likely to have mental health problems. Thus, the current study hypothesized that a collegial organizational climate would be negatively associated with burnout. To test this hypothesis, we developed a scale to measure schoolteachers’ collective perception of their organizational climate (Study 1), and the newly developed scale was used to assess its relationship with HSP and teachers’ burnout risk (Study 2). The results demonstrated that younger teachers, a low level of help-seeking, and a less collaborative climate increased the risk of burnout. The results also showed a significant interaction effect, indicating that HSP was less closely associated with teachers’ burnout risk if their organization was perceived as having a collegial climate. These findings clearly show how the social environment of a school’s organizational climate can affect schoolteachers’ mental health in Japan.

Shimizu, Y. (2021).

Shimizu, Y. (清水 佑輔) (2021).
An overlooked perspective in psychological interventions to reduce anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes.
Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 765394.

The world’s population is aging at a remarkable rate. In this aging society, intergenerational conflicts between the elderly and the rest of the population are frequently observed in many workplaces and nursing care. Anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes held by non-elderly people have been examined as one of the major causes of such intergenerational conflicts. This opinion paper will begin with a broad overview of the interventions that have been implemented to reduce anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes. Then, an important perspective specific to a social group of the elderly, which have not been sufficiently paid attention to, is pointed out; all people will eventually belong to a social group of the elderly. As a theory that incorporates this perspective, Levy’s (2009) stereotype embodiment theory (SET) will be introduced, and a typical factor (i.e., subjective time to become elderly) that should be focused on in future interventions to reduce anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes, will be discussed.